English translation for "cellular process"
- 细胞代谢过程
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- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The adenylate energy charge, for example, will affect many cellular processes in all types of organisms . 例如,腺苷酸能荷会影响所有各类型有机体内的许多细胞过程。 | | 2. | G protein and calmodulin are two important signal molecules , they implicated in many cellular processes and have essential physiological functions in plant G蛋白和cam是植物细胞信号转导中的两个重要的信号组分,它们参与细胞的多种反应,具有重要的生理功能。 | | 3. | Calmodulin ( cam ) is a major cytoplasmic ca2 + receptor and modulates many basic cellular processes such as cell proliferation , differentiation , cell survival and cell motility Cam是细胞内钙离子的主要受体,在细胞增殖,分化,凋亡,迁移等许多生理过程中都发挥着重要调控作用。 | | 4. | Those studies also found that inactivity initiated unique cellular processes that were qualitatively different from the exercise responses . in summary , there is an emergence of inactivity physiology studies 这些研究还发现,缺乏运动激发了与锻炼有着质的区别的独特的细胞反应。简而言之,出现了一个静止生理学研究。 | | 5. | The mitogen - activated protein kinases ( mapks ) are focal points of discrete signaling cascades for diverse extracellular stimuli , and function to regulate fundamental cellular processes 丝裂原激活蛋白激酶系统( mitogen - activatedproteinkinase , mapks )是多种细胞外刺激激活各种信号途径的交汇点,调节细胞的基本生命活动。 | | 6. | Background hypoxia , i . e . , decrease in oxygen availability , affects a number of cellular processes , including the release of various kinds of transmitters and messenger molecules from neuronal cells 低氧条件下,作为神经细胞执行其功能活动和神经元之间主要通讯方式的神经递质和一些信使分子参与了低氧致损神经元的过程。 | | 7. | Mapkks ( mitogen - activated protein kinase kinases ) are the key components in the signal transduction passways which regulate a variety of cellular processes in eukaryotes including in plants 促分裂原活化蛋白激酶激酶( mapkk )是生物体内信号转导途径的关键组分之一,已发现它组成的信号转导级联途径在植物中起着多方面的作用。 | | 8. | Destructive chemical agents called oxygen - free radicals , produced by normal cellular processes and in response to loud noise and exposure to powerful antibiotics , can damage the hairs 美国密歇根医疗学院大学的约钦?沙赫特和其同事发现,水杨酸盐(阿司匹林中含有的重要的抗氧化成分)能够保护那些使用抗生素类药物的患者的听觉毛细胞。 | | 9. | The identified proteins are involved in a variety of cellular process including several zinc finger proteins relevant to transcription regulation , such as zinc finger 198 , 263 , 14 , 224 , zf6 , novel protein similar to transcriptional represser ctcf , and kruppel - like zinc finger protein ; two members of the adams ( a disintegrin and metalloprotease domain ) family ; two members of integrin family ; several proteins involved in the signal transduction , cell - cycle control , chromatin remodeling and transcription repression ; and also some proteins of cell skeleton and some with unknown functions 鉴定出的蛋白包括多个与转录调控相关的锌指蛋白,如锌指蛋白198 、 263 、 14 、 224 、 zf6 、转录抑制因子ctcf样蛋白、幻肚pple样锌指蛋白等:两个含金属蛋白酶结构域和整合素结合结构域的家族成员adam28和adam17 ;两个整合素家族成员pz整合素和含十个egf样结构域的整合素( tied ) ;与细胞信号转导通路有关的蛋白;与细胞周期调控有关的蛋白;与染色体重塑和基因转录抑制有关的蛋白;细胞骨架蛋白以及其他功能未明的蛋白等。 | | 10. | Ip3 - ip3 receptor ( ip3r ) interaction mediates the release of ca2 + from the endoplasmic reticulum in response to many different extracellular stimulus . for higher plants , however , though it is now generally accepted that ip3 participates in signal transduction in many important cellular processes , only limited evidence is available for the presence and properties of the ip3r - like protein so far . here , using the immunological methods with an antibody raised against a mammalian inositol 1 , 4 , 5 - triphophate receptor ( type 1 ) , we found that , 1 ) the antibody across - reacted the proteins with about 200kd in microsomes from oryza sativa and about 200kd from arabidopsis thaliana respectively 本实验用sds - page电泳和免疫印迹的方法,用哺乳动物大鼠三磷酸肌醇受体的多肽做抗体对类三磷酸肌醇受体蛋白鉴定,结果表明:抗体与水稻和拟南芥微粒体蛋白分子量大约为200kd的蛋白交叉反应,同时还发现在水稻微粒体蛋白62kd和拟南芥微粒体蛋白45kd处有交叉反应的蛋白条带存在,表明在植物中有类三磷酸肌醇受体蛋白的存在;用免疫胶体金方法,发现类三磷酸肌醇受体蛋白主要分布于液泡膜和细胞质膜上。 |
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